Lived experiences of parents in teaching children in the new normal
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Parents served as the most significant primary role models in the immediate surroundings of their young children. This phenomenological research aimed to delve into the lived experiences of parents who act as tutors, learning supervisors, and homeschooling teachers for distance learning during pandemic. A total of 20 participants were involved in this qualitative research. The findings revealed that participants concurred on the efficacy of the educational policies to combat the pandemic, such as nationwide school closures, delayed class re-openings, and various teaching techniques. Lockdowns and a sudden switch to homeschooling strengthen family relationships while protecting the learners' safety at home. Parents, on the other hand, face numerous challenges associated with distance learning, such as the virtual environment, instruction delivery, and unsatisfactory academic outcomes; issues with technology use and availability; personal factors regarding their child's health, stress, and learning style; and financial struggles associated with working for the family during a lockdown. Whatever difficulties they encountered, parents employed coping methods to teach their children. Furthermore, this study served as a foundation for developing comprehensive and holistic education policy that took into account the learners' parents' perspectives throughout the epidemic.
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