Women’s roles in the performance of family functions: The case of Coastal districts of Ben Tre province, Vietnam
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Due to its terrain being below mean sea level, its extensive estuaries, and the influence of the East Sea’s tidal regime, Ben Tre is one of the provinces along the Mekong Delta that is most severely impacted by saltwater intrusion from the sea into its four rivers. The coastal districts of Ben Tre have experienced increasingly severe saline intrusion in recent years due to the severe climate change situation, which has changed the economic structure, industry and income levels. The main purpose of this study was to explore an understanding of how women undertake duties related to the family, including economic function, family organization, population reproduction, child care, and education function. A qualitative study employed with 52 in-depth interviews, selected in three coastal districts of Ben Tre Province in 2022, with representatives from households and local leaders. The study's findings demonstrate that while women in Ben Tre are still subject to social norms and expectations that apply to women in traditional societies, they have gained independence, adaptability, and diversity in performing these functions.
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