Tolerance character building for elementary school learners through mathematics learning
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This research aims to discover the findings of the mathematics learning model that build the tolerance character in elementary school students. In the preliminary research, it is found that elementary school teachers are not ready to implement the character-building-based mathematics learning process. They have difficulties in changing their mindset of teaching the habit that simply involving students’ competence from the moral understanding and moral action but ignoring the moral feeling. Teachers are still teaching subject matter that does not have any relevance with character values. The research method is a hypothetical theoretical model, referring to the Research & Development (R&D) method through the following stages: (a) preliminary study; (b) literature study: (c) preparation of model design; (d) content validation; (e) implementation of validation; and (f) learning model preparation. The conclusions are: Mathematics learning model to build the tolerance character is providing knowledge and practicing the habit of behaving and acting tolerance through the mathematics topics. In compiling the mathematics lesson plan that internalizes values to elementary school students, especially to build the character of tolerance, the teacher chooses mathematics topics and compiles the indicators and relevant learning methods with the learning objectives. Mathematics topics that can build the tolerance character, for instance 'Fraction'. In conducting the learning process, the teacher conducts many activities to instill tolerance values, associating mathematics topics to tolerance character, and associating daily life events that are often experienced or seen by the students. Further, to provide assessment to measure the indicators of tolerance character, an instrument of students' observation format during the learning process and providing mathematics questions in the form of contextual or story were used.
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How to Cite
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