Learning delivery modalities and academic performance at this time of pandemic among selected psychology students of st. dominic college of Asia: a comparative study
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This study aimed to determine the academic performance of selected Psychology students of St. Dominic College of Asia based on the learning modalities deployed during the lockdown period due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. A total of 50 respondents participated in this study. Based on academic practice, the institution has 3 academic periods as Prelim, Midterm and Final Period. The prelim period deployed full Face-to-Face Learning Modality while the Midterm Period used a Blended Learning Modality which is a combination of Face-to-Face Learning Modality and Online Learning Modality. Weighted average per period was used as the basis in the Academic Performance. Results showed that a Blended Learning Modality and Full Online Learning Modality is significantly higher in terms of a weighted average than Face-to-Face Learning Modality. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Specifically, a T-test for Independent Samples was used to check significant differences between two groups and One-Way Analysis of Variance for more than two groups and It also resulted that demographic profiles such as sex(female), number of units and subjects enrolled has nothing to do with academic performance across all types of learning modalities. Lower year levels significantly performed better than higher year levels across all types of learning modalities.
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How to Cite
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