An analysis of out of schoolchildren factors: A case study of Pakistan
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The role of human capital in the form education is imperative in the pace of national economic development of any country. In Pakistan, several children are not going to school, which is a matter of great concern. Therefore, this study aims to explore factors determining children not going to schools in Pakistan. This study is based on secondary data taken from the World Bank (2019), for the period 2002 to 2017. The results show that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and population growth are significantly correlated with child labor, while GDP per capita is negatively and population growth is positively correlated with child labor. There is insignificant and positive correlation of inflation with child labor. The study concludes that poverty is the root cause of out of schoolchildren in Pakistan. The study suggests that government should play its role in controlling population growth by adopting various appropriate measures. Inflation should also be controlled especially in case of those commodities used by poor people. Government intervention is also necessary to raise GDPPC by adopting various measures such as free education, vocational training, and provision of loans to poor families. Government can also adopt awareness campaign through media.
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How to Cite
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